Counseling For Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Fort Worth
How OCD Counseling Helps
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder may involve obsessive thinking over the fear of experiencing contamination, difficult intrusive thoughts that don’t seem to go away, and then a compulsion to help mitigate the painful obsessiveness. OCD thoughts might influence you to feel confused or different for having these. You are not alone. We can help you deconstruct OCD so that you may be able to function well in life. We offer Christian counseling in Fort Worth to individuals, couples, and families influenced by OCD.
Individual Counseling for OCD may look at history of obsessions, fears, judgment towards self and God, pain associated with the thoughts, compulsion management, and biblical encouragement.
Marriage Counseling for OCD may look at the history of obsessions, spousal support and coaching, response intervention, and biblical encouragement.
Family Counseling for OCD may focus on helping the members affected, bringing support and coaching, response intervention, and biblical encouragement.
Common symptoms for those struggling with obsessive compulsive disorder
Washing hands excessively
Checking locked doors
Intrusive thoughts about loved ones that you do not desire to have
Behaviors that provide temporary relief from thoughts
Inflated negative judgments toward self and/or God
Fear and sadness often co-occurring
Uncertainty about being saved
Joel Peterson , Sherena Holmes and Brian Dunn specialize in helping those with OCD issues. Click the schedule button to begin the counseling process.
Check out Our Blog Posts on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Do you judge yourself whenever you have a difficult intrusive thought? You feel as if you need to do something in order to make it go away. Check out our blog post on how to connect God to your experiences with OCD.
Resources and Helps for OCD
There are many good books and short-reads out there on obsessive compulsive disorder. Here is a list of resources that provide some insight and hopefully some help for you from a christian perspective.
Freedom for the Obsessive Compulsive by Mike Emlet
In this short book Biblical Counselor Mike Emlet offers a comprehensive look at OCD with a Biblical lens.
Breaking Free of OCD: My Battle with Mental Pain and How God Rescued Me by Jeff Wells
Wells, a pastor in Houston, shares his testimony of OCD after finishing 2nd in the Boston Marathon in 1978.
OCD: Be Still and Know: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder by P.A. Kennan
Kennan speaks from experience, and how she experienced healing from OCD. She helps both the sufferer and the helper.
Rachel Kuchem, LCSW at Re-viving Lives Counseling in Fort Worth, Texas. Rachel is an expert therapist in helping women find freedom from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.