Anger Management and Counseling in Fort Worth

How Anger management and Counseling Can Help You
Anger seems to be something we all struggle with. Counseling will help uncover roots as well as carefully navigate the things, people, and/or experiences that often trigger us. Usually bitterness, resentment, and frustration tag along. Cowtown will help you experience change in these things. We provide anger management and Christian counseling in Fort Worth for Individuals, marriages, and families who struggle with anger.
Individual counseling for anger might work through issues of bitterness and resentment towards a friend, workplace employer or employee, and family of origin. We also might help you with anger towards God and the Church.
Marriage Counseling for anger might work through deep and long held resentments of your spouse. Often forgiveness is part of the counseling process.
Family Counseling for anger may work through current patterns of conflict or conflict aversion with each other.

Common Symptoms for those struggling with Anger
Being close to people but not feeling close to people
Self-protection from family and friends
Frustrated that people “Just don’t get it.”
Struggle to forgive
Belief that life is primarily about surviving, not thriving.

Brian Dunn, Joel Peterson and Sherena Holmes are anger management therapists in our Fort Worth office. Click the schedule button to begin the counseling process.
Cowtown's Anger Management Counseling Series in Fort Worth, TX
Cowtown has launched a counseling series on anger management in Fort Worth, Texas. The program involves a series of therapy sessions where clients will first learn the reasons behind their anger. This is because clients often ask, "Why am I angry?" There can be many reasons behind this emotion, but our team of trained therapists will help you understand the underlying causes.
Secondly, clients will learn the correct purpose for anger. During this session, we process multiple real-life examples, where we will understand the differences between the correct and incorrect purpose of anger.
Finally, we will guide clients through four effective anger management techniques reinforced by multiple contextual principles.
Overall, clients will receive a comprehensive way of dealing with anger, frustration, yelling, malice, harshness, bitterness, and more. If you want to learn more about this series, please reach out.
Blog Posts and Short Reads
Our team of counselors have written blog posts and shorts reads on Anger. Sometimes forgiveness is hard. You ever wonder how God forgives people? Check out our post on anger and forgiveness.
Someone has wronged you. Now what? Read our short blog post talking about the ways we tend to respond when hurt. We hope you are encouraged.

Resources and Helps for Anger

There are many good books and short-reads out there on anger. Here is a list of resources that provide some insight and hopefully some help for you from a christian perspective.

Good and Angry by David Powlison Powlison offers a very helpful christian perspective on anger, carefully looking at the human experience of anger as well as God’s perspective.
A Small Book about a BIG Problem by Ed Welch Welch is a seasoned biblical counselor and writer. This short-read offers the reader a 50 day devotional over anger, peace, and the like.
The Heart of Anger: How the Bible Transforms Anger in Our Understanding and Experiences by Christopher Ash and Steve Midgley These two authors offer a Christ-centered approach to anger, engaging the reader with practical steps as well.
How to Be Free From Bitterness by Jim Wilson
In this short read Wilson offers very helpful counsel on bitterness, how it affects you and your relationship with loved ones, and practical help on what to do next.