Relationship Counseling
in Fort Worth
How Relationship Counseling Helps
Relationships can be difficult but also life-giving. We are designed to love God and others. At times we function out of this and at times we don’t. Much of how you are doing may be how well we are doing. This can be applicable for the parents with a difficult child, a struggling marriage, co-worker issues, difficult roommate(s), dating, and more. We can help you begin to live out your God-given design. We offer christian counseling in Fort Worth for individuals, marriages, and families who are going through relationship struggles.
Individual counseling for those struggling with relationship issues may engage your experiences with loved ones and friends, identify hurts and responses to these, redeem and reframe, and carefully connect God and practical tools to your life.
Marriage counseling for those struggling with relationship issues may engage past and present hurts, heart behind communication issues, intimacy recovery, and connecting these to God with practical tools to build yall up. Please visit our marriage counseling Fort Worth, TX page for more on specialties.
Family counseling for those struggling with relationship issues may look at communication and behavioral habits, comfort and discomfort around each other, grounding in Biblical love, and practical tools to move forward.
Common symptoms for those struggling with Relationship Issues
Feeling of “Walking on eggshells” when you get home
Less and less communication between each other
Struggling with being single or single again
Married and alone
Afraid to lose a relationship
Wondering if God loves me
Anxious behaviors to cope with your relationship
Emily Cinque, Brian Dunn, Crystal Shi , Sherena Holmes, and Joel Peterson specialize in helping those with Relationship issues. Click the schedule button at the top of the page to begin the counseling process.
Cowtown's Therapists Offer Multiple Tips To Improve Your Relationships
You will learn to incorporate the practice of love in daily life towards others. Cowtown's therapists continue to find this the most helpful tip for our clients!
You will learn how to forgive and as well as become a person who is easier to forgive.
You will be able to practice new communication and behavior tips around friends, family, and others.
Helpful Blog Posts for Relationships
Have you been wronged by someone and then desire to hurt that person in return? We’ve all been there. After saying you forgive her you still want to hurt her. We have written a biblical blog post on how to go about practicing forgiveness and comfort in relationships.
You are close to God. When you wake up in the morning, before being productive, you are close. When you are bored or lonely, you are close. Check out our blog post on being close to God.
Resources and Helps for Relational Struggles
There are many good books and short-reads out there on Relationships. Here is a list of resources that provide some insight and hopefully some help for you from a christian perspective.
Relationships: A Mess Worth Making by Paul Tripp and Timothy Lane
Authors share the power that relationships tend to have on each of us. God has designed us to be in relationship with each other, to display His relationship with us. This is a great read, giving an excellent perspective on biblical relationships.
Caring for One Another: 8 Ways to Cultivate Meaningful Relationships by Ed Welch
In this short book, Welch gives the reader practical and biblical counsel on restoring care to relationships. This is a great book for multiple friends or family members to read together.
Find Your People: Building Deep Community in a Lonely World by Jennie Allen
Allen is a teacher, conference speaker, and excellent writer. She carefully gives practical tips for relationships, connecting these things to Biblical truth.